What you need to know about our redesign
Welcome to the new-look Wormly! A few things in the main navigation bar have changed, so let’s start with those:
- Settings has been renamed to Alerts, and it now contains only things that relate to your alerts.
- Billing has been replaced with My account, which now provides easy access to everything related to managing your account, including profile updates, permissions, billing, invoices and payments.
- The My Wormly page has been removed – everything we had there can be more intuitively access from elsewhere.
- The Log out button turned out to be a rarely used one, and as such it has been moved to the My account page. Oh and we’ve re-branded it Sign out, in keeping with the style of most web apps today.
- Support has been renamed Help, because it includes both our customer support contact form as well as our searchable FAQ section.
- Blog has been removed from the top nav bar; you can now find it in our new “fat-footer”, which contains direct links to many parts of the site that power users will appreciate.
New features and tweaks we hope you’ll enjoy
- Always-on-SSL. Every part of our site is now available only via https to ensure the integrity of your account. We’ve spent lots of time tweaking cache directives, spriting icons and even tuning SSL ciphers to maximize our performance over https. We trust that you’ll find the small performance penalty worthwhile.
- iPad-friendly. We’ve deployed some minor CSS tweaks to allow better use of Wormly from iPad, particularly when in portrait orientation.
- Bigger, better buttons. Accounting for the inexorable move of the web toward touchscreen devices, we’ve made most clickable items throughout the site both a) bigger and b) more obviously clickable.
- When configuring an HTTP sensor, hit Test settings. If a content match fails, you will be given the option to view the full HTTP response that we received from your server.
- From the host overview page, you can now rename a host by hovering your mouse over the host’ name.
- We’ve implemented a work around for this horrible webkit bug to improve pageload speed.
- In the HTTP sensor, POST data is now configured via a multi-line text area.
Please do let us know if we’ve broken anything for you, or if you’re confused or otherwise unhappy with any of these changes.
Alternately, if you just love what we’ve done please let us know anyway!